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Frank Ragsdale Free

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  1. about 4 years ago on Gary Varvel

    I sincerely believe that we could have used you during our power outages. You blow a lot of wind to tell a story from, according to your reference, an extremely liberal newspaper.

    ERCOT was mainly responsible for the many outages of any length in Texas. The board of ERCOT is made up of 20%… not 30% of out-of-state residents. I doubt that has much of anything to do with the outages, however.

    The cause was that, seeing the ever increasing demand increasing, they made the decision to have “rolling blackouts”, through the state. These were not to last more than 2-3 hours… tops. However, when they turned off the power, they couldn’t get it started again. There is currently an investigation as to why they couldn’t get it back on.

    Your stats of the amount of green energy there currently is, in Texas, are a bit skewed. All liberal sources are downplaying our current reliance on green energy because of the failure of both wind and solar energy in this. The MSM continually left out that Texas had any at all. I read the published transcripts and not one mention of the failure was mentioned. Same, basically, applies to the print media in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Austin… who underplayed our increasing reliance on green energy. Green energy’s inability to function in these harsh conditions is yet another focus of the state’s investigation.

  2. about 4 years ago on Robert Ariail

    This is stupid! Read the transcript of the phone call.

  3. over 4 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I like the “follow the science” as if “scientists” know EVERYTHING and are always right.At one time, “scientists” thought that Earth was at the center of the universe and all of the planets and the sun revolved around Earth.

  4. almost 5 years ago on ViewsAmerica

    Actually, Trump tried to stop travel into the US. For his prompt reaction, he was called a “racist” and an over reactionary by the left.

    The governor of NY called for people gather together… Nancy Pelosi called for all to go to Chinatown for the Chinese New Year celebrations. The mayor of New Orleans told the people to gather for the shoulder-to-shoulder Marci Gras celebrations. The governor of Washington State told people to ignore Trump.

    There’s more but if you’re a leftist, it won’t sink in. I just named the areas that are, now, the hardest hit.

    Now, that Trump has called for governors to reopen, it is only the democrats who have extended the shutdown. They will be begging the government for money, soon.

    It’s a HOAX! For over a year, the democrats have been saying that their best chance of winning in November is a crash of the economy. They are trying as hard as they can and only a FOOL would think that responsibility would fall on Trump.

  5. about 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    This cartoon makes it seem as though armadillos die on roads because they are slow afoot. Not true! Like squirrels, they are fairly fast. Unfortunately, also like squirrels, their eyesight and/or brains do not work well when crossing high speed traffic.

  6. about 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Maybe they move them out of harm’s way

  7. over 5 years ago on 9 to 5

    Yet another cartoon down the tubes. I joined this yo get AWAY from politics! Maybe the cartoon’s viewership was down and they figured this was the only way to boost it?? Sad world we’re in…

  8. almost 6 years ago on Batch Rejection

    Is she bragging or complaining? Not really funny…

  9. almost 6 years ago on The Awkward Yeti

    Speaking of procrastination… the date of that comic is June 2017 and go comics is just now getting around to showing it.

  10. almost 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Not true! The ONLY color that triumphs over others is GREEN.