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jwheck Free

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Recent Comments

  1. 4 months ago on Cul de Sac

    A previous comic (Nov 15) established that Polyfill is actually a dog chew toy, so it should fine.

  2. about 1 year ago on Wallace the Brave

    Former Christmas-tree-selling Boy Scout here. Back in the day, we may have sent a fellow scout or two through the vexar machine.

  3. over 1 year ago on Lio

    “Westley, what about the R.O.U.S.’s?” “Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist.”

  4. almost 2 years ago on Lio

    They need a getaway car. Search youtube for “orangutan golf cart”. The “Sopranos” version is my favorite.

  5. about 3 years ago on Over the Hedge

    Naaa na na na na na na na na Katamari Hammyshi

  6. about 4 years ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “Noid” if you want to keep with a pizza theme.

  7. over 4 years ago on Over the Hedge

    The QR code translates to “12127870”. 1212 could be the month and day of this comic. Not sure what 7870 is. Google search of “12127870” brought up everything from women’s clothing to laundry machine parts.

  8. almost 10 years ago on Lio

    There will be an asterisk on his report card this year.

  9. about 10 years ago on Lio

    Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!