Irene Pepperberg once gave Alex a puzzle that crows easily solve—dangle a treat from a perch by a string. The crow will quickly figure out it needs to pull the string up, anchor it to the perch with a foot, then repeat until the treat is within reach. Alex just stared at the treat, stared at the human, and said, “Get nut.”
And you can’t give juicy soap storylines to little kids. You can put them in mortal peril so their parents suffer, but that’s about it. It’s not till they’re teens that they can start having star-crossed romances.
My guesses: Morris from the cat food commercials. Li’l Bub. Socks from the Beverly Cleary book. Cecil the lion, RIP. Garfield. Mooch from Mutts. The Sphinx.
Oh my. You just changed my entire world. I just looked up Original Doll Baby kit, and I realized that the homemade “knockoffs” that kids got because their parents couldn’t get them a real Cabbage Patch Kid were actually the REAL dolls! It was the Cabbage Patch Kids that were knockoffs! Oh, the disdain everyone had for those kit dolls! Little did we know!
Nothing makes sense anymore. Do things actually fall up? Is the sky green and the grass blue? I need to sit down. Oh wait, I am sitting down. Or am I? I don’t know!!!!
Irene Pepperberg once gave Alex a puzzle that crows easily solve—dangle a treat from a perch by a string. The crow will quickly figure out it needs to pull the string up, anchor it to the perch with a foot, then repeat until the treat is within reach. Alex just stared at the treat, stared at the human, and said, “Get nut.”