Zombie geoff

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Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on Crankshaft

    Little did ol’ Crankshat know that the players were Catherine O’Hara & Willem Dafoe in disguise!

  2. 4 days ago on Over the Hedge

    Well, to be fair, we were in a highly inebriated state and totally unable to have coherent conversations.

  3. 5 days ago on Over the Hedge

    Wait! Is that Jeramiah I see sitting on that stump? I helped him drink some mighty fine wine!

  4. about 1 month ago on Liberty Meadows

    I’ll bet he was charged with creating a nuisance, too.

  5. 10 months ago on That is Priceless

    Sometimes, instead of playing tackle, playing Touch is much more fun!

  6. 10 months ago on That is Priceless

    My word! Is that Bach’s Hair on your G-String? How scintillatingly scandalous!

  7. 10 months ago on Liberty Meadows

    The cow in panels 3 & 4 looks eerily like Cerebus the Aardvark. Does anybody else out there see a similarity?

  8. over 1 year ago on Nick and Zuzu

    It ain’t much, but it’s a steady and honest living!

  9. almost 2 years ago on Crankshaft

    Considering the impending bad Earth outcome, that was a particularly coaled response.

  10. almost 2 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I’ve often wondered if Flo’s Offshore Diner is related to Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon. I’ll bet Flo posted a sign at the front door that reads: “Time Travelers & Politicians Strictly Cash”.