Correct, WhatsTheJoke! So much of today’s jargon is caught up in double negatives. The correct answer is Yes, Janis do not answer it. Perhaps that’s how things get misinterpreted on purpose?
Just out of curiosity, why has it been so hard to read lately? I subscribe to both comics providers; both are so blurry that I thought it was my vision. On a brighter note, your “competitor” has been circling the drain for a long time. Thank you for not being THAT syndicate!
ChessPirate, nicely done! I still can understand what caused “This Man’s” dilemma and I still admire the avatar. How many corners can a corrupt government paint a person into?Sadly, stay tuned for part two. Affectionately renamed as “those who haven’t learned from history are destined to repeat it”
Spot on, mourdac.The Smiths have spoken, a case of relative proclivity?