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  1. 3 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Given Godlike powers, God doesn’t need a wife (or a sex). The Almighty just imagines what should happen, and it happens. (Unlike people who want to act like a god on Earth; they need countless fools to do the job for them.)

  2. 3 days ago on Drabble

    You need to have a brain to have it decompose; so Norman is in no danger.

  3. 11 days ago on Non Sequitur

    You can’t fix stupid, as shown by @Sojourner. He still believes and will always believe the lies posted by Trump and his buddies (especially Putin). Still, even those who aren’t stupid will be in Hell once the current regime has replaced the swamp with a sinkhole.

  4. 11 days ago on Non Sequitur

    All Heil ‘Great Leader’ Musk (he can’t be President, since he wasn’t born in America, but he CAN take over the country once the current boobs finish laying the groundwork).

  5. 11 days ago on Non Sequitur

    For a similar scenario, see the Nonsequitur for March 2 (last Sunday)

  6. 11 days ago on Non Sequitur

    Trickle-down economics: The rich get the gold, and everyone else gets the sh…

  7. 11 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Certainly better than life as it appears we will know it in the near future.

  8. about 1 month ago on Pearls Before Swine

    They did forget to make sure its batteries don’t explode, that the electronics aren’t fried by going through a car wash (or a flooded road), and how to make it work well enough the the warranty doesn’t need to expire within the first 40 miles of driving it.

  9. about 1 month ago on Drabble

    Worked better too. Didn’t have batteries that blew up, electronics that were fried by going through a car wash, and a warranty that expired 39 miles after taking delivery. I can’t understand how anyone could be so stupid as to buy such a piece of junk.

  10. about 1 month ago on Pickles

    I just started following Pickles a year or two ago, so it’s all new to me. In fact, there are half a dozen other comics that I’m reading strips first posted in the 1990’s (was too busy to read them then, as I was working a double shift; but now that I’m retired…