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Recent Comments

  1. 18 days ago on Shoe

    On-On ??

    re: en.wikipedia.Org/wiki/Hash_House_Harriers

  2. 20 days ago on Working Daze

    I was stationed at the NATO/AFSOUTH headquarters (‘89-’91) and we had a space set aside for a sharing library of VHS tapes. It was manned by volunteers and folks would bring in tapes (mostly like yours) to share with everyone else. We had a LOT of tapes in that library!

    I don’t recall if AFRTS was present in Naples for the Navy base there… so just local TV and the tape library. I did watch Colpo Grosso on a regular basis but I’m not great with languages so I never understood much of what was said. It was still quite interesting to watch. The tape library filled my need for English language TV.

  3. 22 days ago on Glasbergen Cartoons

    I don’t know about climbing the building but using the stairs is definitely a better choice (in many cases) than using the elevator.

    As an example, way back when I worked at the Pentagon, my office was on the third floor (3A125 if I recall correctly) but my boss’s boss and the people we worked for were in the basement. When I first started there I used an elevator to get to the basement but fairly quickly switched to using stairs instead. Military types are expected to be physically fit and using the stairs is cheap exercise. I’m long since retired but still use stairs more often than not for that same cheap exercise.

  4. 28 days ago on Mike du Jour

    Hey folks, just because you believe in fairy tales doesn’t make any of them true.

    For the record, my dog tags do say Atheist in the spot were one of the MANY different religions, including the multitude of xtian ones, would be stamped. Why are so many so insecure that they feel they have to lie about Atheist not being in foxholes, it’s such an absurd meme.

    Some one who has reached the age of reason is often referred to as an atheist (an individual who is not a theist (or not a believer in made up stories)). Religion has nothing to do with reason and everything to do with what brain washing you received as a child. It’s just that far too many lack the critical thinking skills to break free of that indoctrination.

    Do you believe that Zeus is a god and Hercules is his half human son gotten by rape? Many millions of people did. Why don’t you? The old gods must be real if so many believed they were real. And what about all the other thousands of gods and assorted demi-gods that folk have sincerely believed in and some still do?

    Believing in the xtian god and his half human son gotten by rape doesn’t make them any more real than the rest. And if you don’t believe that Zeus and Hercules were real, then you too are an atheist. The difference between irrational and rational folk is that we believe in one less god and recognize that the xtian bible is just another book of fairy tales designed to keep the gullible under control. And most of that book is copied from earlier religions anyway, so it’s not even original lies.

  5. 29 days ago on Pickles

    There was a guy I worked with in my last job that swam in something stinky. You could tell he was in the office upstairs when you entered the building on the ground floor. I took to wearing a n95 mask at my desk just so I could breath without coughing up a lung.

    I kinda miss the days when everyone smoked everywhere… I didn’t notice the stench of perfumes and colognes so much back then. And, while I don’t care for cigarette smoke, it’s not nearly as offensive to me as body sprays and such.

  6. 29 days ago on Frazz

    I was the oldest so I got the new clothes and my brothers would get the hand me downs…

    Now I have clothes that I regularly wear that are older by a decade or more than most, so called, adults. No need to get rid of clothes that still does the job and it helps that I’ve never followed most fashion trends….

    …though I will admit to buying a leisure suit in the 70’s, but I recall only wearing it once at a wedding and it eventually went to Goodwill. I think I bought it for the wedding since I didn’t own a suit of any kind at the time and the only other garment I had that was close was my Class A uniform (which wasn’t appropriate for that venue 8^)

  7. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    No matter how well versed you may be in doing something you will always learn and understand more when you teach that same something.

    At least that has been my experience and, apparently, I’m not alone in that.

  8. about 2 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Sometimes it happens that way…

    In a time, long, long, ago now, I was a shift super on an analog flight simulator and while doing some paperwork in the office I heard a loud KABANG from the sim bay. I ran out to see what happened, fully expecting to have to do CPR on the young airman who was troubleshooting a problem at the time.

    I came around the corner and there he sat, back against the wall and a smoking scope probe in his hand.

    No damage to him or to the oscilloscope and the simulator was just fine. There was a quarter size hole in the chassis and the scope probe was destroyed. He was trying to attach the probe to a pin on the back side of a tube socket when he grounded the 300 VDC plate voltage to the chassis instead.

    If we hadn’t been seriously undermanned at the time he never would have been out there by himself. There was a rule about have two people working any problem that involved open systems. It’s a good rule and probably came about thru the blood spilled by those before us.

    Some times you just get lucky 8^)

  9. about 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    > “Seems to me that if the military believes their pledge to the Constitution they’ll do something about the menace within.”

    You’d like to think so…

    I was still on active duty when the Shrub was in office and leaned hard into the point about defend the Constitution against ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC… especially that Domestic part.

    And now we have the draft dodging seditionist in office and the Air Force (sadly) is kowtowing to his executive orders. Just this week I saw a mention that enlisted promotion tests are being redone to remove the mention of equality and such. Sickening! That isn’t the Air Force I was proud to serve in.

    This retired Master Sergeant is definitely disgusted… 8^(

  10. about 2 months ago on Speed Bump

    Yup, one of the things I really appreciated during my time with the Air Force was everyone wore a name tag so I didn’t have to remember who was who.

    Though I did pay for that after I retired from the service…. I discovered I had no ability to remember which name goes with which face with out name tags in the civilian workspace.

    I’m with the crowd that thinks everyone should wear a name tag… at work at the very least and it would help me a great deal if they were worn by everyone all the time 8^)