Are you a golden doodle?
Will the capybara see her reflection in the plumage? Will she go back to the bog for more subliminal rumination or stick around to herald the beginning of the Frog Festivus Season?
K, now tune into Santa and see who’s on the Nice list and who’s on the Naughty.
She doesn’t want to play with it. She just doesn’t want anyone else to either!
3 7 16 37 58 & 9
Pon Farr, Pon Close. He does it all.
Should make for some great dreams.
But after his divorce he renamed it Crestfallen.
I believe it is the same in birds with extremely long migratory routes where they don’t stop to rest.
No, bowlers don’t wear hats. They wear bowling shirts and wrist guards.
Are you a golden doodle?