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  1. almost 14 years ago on Jeff Danziger

    ummm ya all know that “Allah” is just another word for “God” right?

  2. almost 14 years ago on Baldo

    I love the coffee cup. My abuelo used to (and my tios still do) drink coffee in little cups like that when talking “serious” stuff.

  3. over 14 years ago on Baldo

    “To me, Tia Carmen looks same purple dress, hat and shoe”

    and yet she looks beautiful. Sometimes is not the dress but the attitude

  4. over 14 years ago on Baldo

    it is disappointing that Gracie would not listen to something a bit more radical than mainstream stuff. actitud maria marta? http://www.myspace.com/actitudmariamarta or Latina punk rockers from LA like Bruise Violet? http://www.myspace.com/bruiseviolet4

  5. over 14 years ago on Mike Luckovich

    if you are a racist/moron New York city is hell. There are kids in the school system that speak 200 languages. I speak 3 languages (and I am a US citizen but was ILLEGAL for 14 years– got legal in a way that is not possible anymore) . There are Masjids, Christian churches of about every denomination I can think of. 2 Wats -one Thai, 3 Mandirs, 1 Chinese Buddhist temple, 2 synagogues (one that some of the congregation is of Latinoamerican origin) in a 15 minute walk from my house (and I am an atheist) I attend something like 4 new year celebrations in a year in different months. I have Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Jewish and atheist friends and acquaintances. I make mostly vegan food at parties and keep any meat dishes very separate to accommodate everyone.

    Long live the constitution!!

    fear NY, we are the future. hide in your caves.

  6. over 14 years ago on Baldo

    I know people like Tia Carmen. In Colombia we use the expression “walking bibles” as some one who knows so much. I wish younger people would pay more attention to them cause, knock on wood, when they die all that information is gone. It is our job to pay attention, you see, even if we get them to write all this stuff it is not the same as actually seeing tia carmen cook… even lengua casserole

  7. over 14 years ago on Cleats

    aah most Americans think football is boring as hell and you can not watch most of it and not miss a thing. So they think the same about cycling. I guess that is the irony here? have expended time explaining the subtleties of what is going on to friends. “Oh” said a friend, “I though they were just riding together for no reason”

  8. over 14 years ago on Pooch Cafe

    anarchodog!!. one dog should be a skinhead… an antiracist redskin

  9. about 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    The problem is that banks are a utility, just like the power and water companies….

    or public transportation or food distribution. Well actually a lot less necessary.

    But yes power, water, transportation, food, that is why In a lot of countries think is better to nationalize those (and perhaps loose some $) than have to loose a ton of money sinking them into the elites.

    Yah yah I know crazy socialist thoughs… nutty nutty

  10. about 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    I don’t understand why in the USA democrats=left Republicans=right of center. For People like Scoottfreitas to not understand that democrats for the most are actually on their side is baffling to me. Sure there are a few minor differences that we have been convinced are big enough for us to make that run for the urns. I am guessing that by filling every open space of dialogue with the non-sense of obama=socialism, keeps any other real ideas out of any ones sight. As soon as any real independent thinking comes up it is quickly dismissed as “crazy” worth to made fun of etc etc. Ridiculous conspiracy theorists only help fuel the “independent thinking is whack” rants. Obama, as well as the Clintons and every other democrat is just as pro-corporate business, pro-war, pro-war profiteering as your average Republican. And every Republican in the last, what?, 10 governments have been as fiscally responsible and for individual freedoms as your average Democrat. I am neither. I am not afraid of guns so I don’t really understand the nonsense of the gun control debate. I am for fiscal responsibility and I am totally convinced that both parties are absolutely nothing but out for the interests of their own elitist interests bleeep the big picture of the national economy. Both have used war and corporate welfare as a tool to do their best to bring our economy to the ground.

    I understand that for people like Scootfreitas never really having seen or heard (I am sure they have never heard one; they are to busy ranting to listen) a real socialist this is difficult to understand. They are content in their isolated reality. Leaving that artificial reality means taking real and emotional risks that they are not willing to face. They are to full of overconfidence that they are correct they never stop to think for a second to examine the real world near and far from them.