
StCleve72 Free

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  1. over 8 years ago on Kliban

    Trickle Down

  2. over 8 years ago on Overboard

    Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. Alexander Graham Bell

  3. over 8 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Well, yep, I think you’re right. He can be fun to watch but I’d never put down any money on him to win. Maybe what he needs to do that is to play for Pops?

  4. over 8 years ago on Kliban

    Blessed are the cheese makers.

  5. over 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    It’s funny in an ironic way but Hillary and any missteps and mistakes she’s made are really inconsequential to the Republican brainwashing machine and their lobotomized ditto-heads. If Jesus Christ were the Democratic candidate the conservative media would be calling him a liberal and a socialist and soft on crime. Can’t you just hear a Fox News talking head saying, “while the Democrats thinks he walks on water, our sources tell us he’s been consorting with prostitutes and giving out free food to freeloading immigrants and what he did to honest bankers in the Temple that time shows that he hates capitalism”. The base would sit there in front of their TV’s and eat this all up and have signs on their front lawns that read: Lock Him Up. IMO if there is a hell Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh and their ilk will be doing hard time there for the damage they’ve done to America and to democracy, but that doesn’t let their followers off the hook for allowing their hates and fears “trump” their good sense and demonize and dehumanize their fellow humans.

  6. over 8 years ago on Ken Catalino

    It’s funny in an ironic way but Hillary and any missteps and mistakes she’s made are really inconsequential to the Republican brainwashing machine and their lobotomized ditto-heads. If Jesus Christ were the Democratic candidate the conservative media would be calling him a liberal and a socialist and soft on crime. Can’t you just hear a Fox News talking head saying, “while the Democrats thinks he walks on water, our sources tell us he’s been consorting with prostitutes and giving out free food to freeloading immigrants and what he did to honest bankers in the Temple that time shows that he hates capitalism”. The base would sit there in front of their TV’s and eat this all up and have signs on their front lawns that read: Lock Him Up. IMO if there is a hell Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh and their ilk will be doing hard time there for the damage they’ve done to America and to democracy, but that doesn’t let their followers off the hook for allowing their hates and fears “trump” their good sense and demonize and dehumanize their fellow humans.

  7. over 8 years ago on Chip Bok

    It’s funny in an ironic way but Hillary and any missteps and mistakes she’s made are really inconsequential to the Republican brainwashing machine and their lobotomized ditto-heads. If Jesus Christ were the Democratic candidate the conservative media would be calling him a liberal and a socialist and soft on crime. Can’t you just hear a Fox News talking head saying, “while the Democrats thinks he walks on water, our sources tell us he’s been consorting with prostitutes and giving out free food to freeloading immigrants and what he did to honest bankers in the Temple that time shows that he hates capitalism”. The base would sit there in front of their TV’s and eat this all up and have signs on their front lawns that read: Lock Him Up. IMO if there is a hell Roger Ailes and Rush Limbaugh and their ilk will be doing hard time there for the damage they’ve done to America and to democracy, but that doesn’t let their followers off the hook for allowing their hates and fears “trump” their good sense and demonize and dehumanize their fellow humans.

  8. over 8 years ago on Doonesbury

    Trumpies and Ditto-heads: You’ve been brainwashed for a generation by slick operators like Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes, and their likes. If your attention span is long enough, read Ailes memo to Nixon on how to do people’s thinking for them because they’re too lazy to do it themselves: Don’t make me the issue; read the article if you dare and decide for yourself whether you’ve been played as a pawn in the game of billionaires whose deepest desire is to tell you: “you’re fired!” They’ve been using tried and tested propaganda tools to get you to mindlessly vote against yourselves, making themselves very, very, very rich and you poorer. FOLLOW THE MONEY. No cult leader ever had a more sheep-like following than these cynical sociopaths. For the 1% to get you to think Donald Trump gives a r.a. about you is like taking candy from a baby. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Since Reagan, the only thing “trickling down” on us working people has been warm and yellow. FOLLOW THE MONEY.

  9. over 8 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Trumpies: You’ve been brainwashed for a generation by slick operators like Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes, and their likes. If your attention span is long enough, read Ailes memo to Nixon on how to do people’s thinking for them because they’re too lazy to do it themselves: Don’t make me the issue; read the article if you dare and decide for yourself whether you’ve been played as a pawn in the game of billionaires whose deepest desire is to tell you: “you’re fired!” They’ve been using tried and tested propaganda tools to get you to mindlessly vote against yourselves, making themselves very, very, very rich and you poorer. FOLLOW THE MONEY. No cult leader ever had a more sheep-like following than these cynical sociopaths. For the 1% to get you to think Donald Trump gives a r.a. about you is like taking candy from a baby. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Since Reagan, the only thing “trickling down” on us working people has been warm and yellow. FOLLOW THE MONEY.

  10. over 8 years ago on Mike Lester

    Trumpies: You’ve been brainwashed for a generation by slick operators like Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes, and their likes. If your attention span is long enough, read Ailes memo to Nixon on how to do people’s thinking for them because they’re too lazy to do it themselves: Don’t make me the issue; read the article if you dare and decide for yourself whether you’ve been played as a pawn in the game of billionaires whose deepest desire is to tell you: “you’re fired!” They’ve been using tried and tested propaganda tools to get you to mindlessly vote against yourselves, making themselves very, very, very rich and you poorer. FOLLOW THE MONEY. No cult leader ever had a more sheep-like following than these cynical sociopaths. For the 1% to get you to think Donald Trump gives a r.a. about you is like taking candy from a baby. FOLLOW THE MONEY. Since Reagan, the only thing “trickling down” on us working people has been warm and yellow. FOLLOW THE MONEY.