
Ronald Hathcock Premium

Former trucker with an ICD in my chest...

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  1. about 15 hours ago on Annie

    None of my hallucinations back in the early 70s were that detailed or grandiose!

  2. about 15 hours ago on Annie

    We finally got some valley snow, about an inch. The temp’s hovering around 32F, with a high predicted of 35F. At least the ground’s covered.

  3. about 15 hours ago on Annie

    I would hope the trucker is already hitting the brakes and his air horn!

  4. 2 days ago on Over the Hedge

    If I was able to ignore the worse aspects of the Obama and Biden presidencies and focus on the day-to-day matters of my own life, you can do the same with Trump. Give him none of your hatred or time, think instead about things you can do to be of value to your friends, family, and community. It’s easy to be a great neighbor, relative, or friend to others.

  5. 2 days ago on Annie

    I’m surprised by the unstated details. Assuming he’s an owner/operator, he’s sacrificed some comforts most over-the-road truckers have, such as one or more sleeper berths, in order to carry as many vehicles as possible. He probably has a couple of bags of belongings and stays in motels along the way. New and even used cars are a high cost load so he is being paid not only for driving miles but also for his expertise in deciding how to position the vehicles so it’s even possible to get in and out of them despite all the struts and such.

  6. 2 days ago on Annie

    He did that climb in heels and carrying iguanas?

  7. 2 days ago on Annie

    Here in the Utah mountain ranges we’re getting only about 80% of the average snowfall, almost none in the valleys. The temperatures are all over the place, with some days never going above 32F, other days hitting into the 40s. We keep hoping for the Arctic Express to clear out the haze and bring snow, but all the moisture is coming by way southern CA.

  8. 3 days ago on Annie

    If Ginger Rogers could dance backwards in high heels, why not?

  9. 5 days ago on Annie

    She has left the safe haven of Heaven!

  10. 6 days ago on Annie

    When the patients I administer to hear or see things that I can’t I’ve learned not to challenge them. After all, it’s part of their reality today. Tomorrow? I’ve learn to quietly wait and see.