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  1. about 13 years ago on PreTeena

    I don’t normally comment, but I feel I have to in this case. The stigma against homeschoolers makes me crazy. And as much as I love this strip, comics like this one just make it worse. I homeschool my children and they are doing very well. They have excellent socialization skills are are active in many activities. They aren’t stuck up or weird, as thse two characters (although there is always an exception in every case, so I’m sure there are some kids like the twins above). Mothers DO NOT have to be ceritifed to teach their kids and it should not be manditory. There are a lot of fantastic curricula out there that give parents (Dad’s homeschool too) the resources they need to give their children an education that is equal too, or many cases, suprassing public school. I believe the reason this works so well is we can customize our teaching to each child’s learning style. That’s impossible to do in a classroom of 30 children. Please don’t paint all homeschool families with a biased brush. We work very hard to give our kids a good education and most homeschooled children do amazingly well.