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  1. almost 12 years ago on Jim Morin

    Rape is not so well defined. The humorist said of the difference between rape and incest; Incest is relative while rape is absolute.

    What is the difference between an enzyme and an hormone? You can hear a whore moan.

    I spend 20 years in one of the military services. I witnessed the sexual advances and activities of many officers and enlisted personnel, both genders. The male equivalent of rape is to be falsely accused of raping. It is the fear of every male who engages in the common activity called, for want of a better descriptive term, consensual sex. Even a prostitute can be raped or shout “Rape!” I saw predatory females use their sexual behavior to get promotions and other advantageous results, including money, fame, and preferential treatment. I saw males who accepted the acts and got their sexual appetites satisfied that way. Then there are those who just pay for the favors at market rate. The poor, shy, or deficient goes without or masturbates.

    It is not all one way. Females are not always the victims, or males the aggressors. The problem is as with all bad behavior, how to decide. It takes an unbiased court of law to get a sense of justice. Unbiased? Who runs the court? A man or a woman? Who are the lawyers and how creditable the accuser and the victim? This is no more an easy solution than is domestic violence. Why is sex needed by either sex? Why does a husband decide to beat his wife into submission? Why does a woman use an underhanded sexual maneuver to get her way?

  2. almost 12 years ago on Jim Morin

    Rape is not so well defined. The humorist said of the difference between rape and incest; Incest is relative while rape is absolute.

    What is the difference between an enzyme and an hormone? You can hear a whore moan.

    I spend 20 years in one of the military services. I witnessed the sexual advances and activities of many officers and enlisted personnel, both genders. The male equivalent of rape is to be falsely accused of raping. It is the fear of every male who engages in the common activity called, for want of a better descriptive term, consensual sex. Even a prostitute can be raped or shout “Rape!” I saw predatory females use their sexual behavior to get promotions and other advantageous results, including money, fame, and preferential treatment. I saw males who accepted the acts and got their sexual appetites satisfied that way. Then there are those who just pay for the favors at market rate. The poor, shy, or deficient goes without or masturbates.

    It is not all one way. Females are not always the victims, or males the aggressors. The problem is as with all bad behavior, how to decide. It takes an unbiased court of law to get a sense of justice. Unbiased? Who runs the court? A man or a woman? Who are the lawyers and how creditable the accuser and the victim? This is no more an easy solution than is domestic violence. Why is sex needed by either sex? Why does a husband decide to beat his wife into submission? Why does a woman use an underhanded sexual maneuver to get her way?

  3. over 13 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Niggerhead Mountain near Burnet, TX has been renamed. So have other mountains in California and elsewhere. The pejorative reference is not recent. It dates to a time when the word Nigger was a regular neutral noun in the American vernacular. Still used. It derives from the Latin word for black. It should be no more pejorative than the English word, black. I have lived long enough to have used Negro, colored, black, African-American, nigger, nigra, nigga, and ‘…my friend…’ I have read in American folk songs, ‘darky’, but never used it out of the songs. Surprised I was in 1960 to hear a black person refer to ‘honky’ as a pejorative for white people. I was called a ‘Pollock’ by a black employee who was enraged at his failure to be promoted. Honky was a pejorative for Hungarian.

  4. over 13 years ago on Jim Morin

    Ballots are better than bullets, but if all else fails activate II Amendment rights.

  5. over 13 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    He, she, or it? If he/she/it s***, what do he/she/it eat? I thunk that every question has two sides, now they got two ends and a middle. I don’t give a …………………………..

  6. over 13 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    ‘Have you gone?’ Or, ‘Git to Hell outa here!’ Dammit!

  7. over 13 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    When you get older, it is not the appliances, it is the dentures and the bridges that go out at a bad time. Ever notice how much dentists charge for the appliances in your mouth? And how about the appliances in your guts and lungs? Doctors are expensive. Without kids, washers and dryers last longer. And food is less expensive.

  8. over 13 years ago on Alley Oop


  9. over 13 years ago on Alley Oop

    This is too simplistic for this age. Back in the 40s it was real enough to believe in time travel. NOW it is not real enough after Star Wars to believe in George Bush and the Tooth Fairy.

  10. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    Brian, Now try this one on for credibility: Truth is God and God is Truth. Truth rules what is and what is not. Everything I know is true. (But quite a bit of what I believe is not true.)