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jonat Premium

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  1. 26 days ago on Crabgrass

    Bizarre – in the version of this strip published in the New Hampshire Union Leader, the text in the last panel says, “Come to finish me off once for all, have you, Wallace?” Everything else is the same. I’m used to occasionally seeing alternate strips used, but they’re typically more different than this, and I can’t figure out why this was substituted.

  2. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    I was away on business this past week and, while I had seen the comic when originally printed in my local papers (and Washington Post), I missed the “scribbling”. I got back home to find that both of the print papers I get, the Boston Globe and Nashua (NH) Telegraph, dropped the strip (though both had printed it.) I gather that their editors had also missed the text. Ah well….