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  1. over 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    It is sad to see that the very thoughtful and intelligent comments of Sandfan and Doughfoot are brushed aside in favor of a discussion about the plugs being drawn upside down or not. The important point of the strip is the disconnect between the public and the war. This reminds me of that Star Trek episode where two planets were making war in remote control, and the public did not care about it as they were not implicated. But the public is implicated, in term of money, the defense budget is astronomical and a sacred cow, with the budget costs cutting being done on the back of the same people, who for good or evil, are the same guys going into the armed forces, thus ensuring a steady supply of fresh recruits. The Heroes are these boys and girls the evil doers are the generals and the politicians that send them into wars in order to maintain the status quo!