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Less Monday... More Friday Free

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Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on B.C.


  2. 6 days ago on B.C.

    Go ask Alice, I think she’ll know…

  3. 10 days ago on The Argyle Sweater

    I queried the bot, this was the response. GoComics Help Bot says: Sorry I couldn’t find a good answer to your question

  4. 23 days ago on Off the Mark

    A full suit of plate armor typically weighed between 40 to 60 pounds (about 18 to 27 kilograms), although some suits could weigh up to 110 pounds (50 kilograms) depending on the design and materials used. The weight was distributed across the body, allowing knights to move and fight effectively despite the heaviness. Google

  5. 26 days ago on Bliss

    A friend of mine had a Pug that didn’t respond to nearly any animal, but that dog nearly lost its mind when she got a new crate!

  6. 29 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    “joegee 1 day ago

    Of course it is. Darby stopped doing daily strips over 10 years ago."What he said.

  7. about 1 month ago on Pickles

    Wording. The first is a little different than the second.

  8. about 1 month ago on The Argyle Sweater

    That comes later when they switch to the treadmill.

  9. about 1 month ago on Off the Mark

    Absolutely nothing to do with “values”. Unless you consider the values that the repubs are adding to their profit margins. Pandering to the church to get into office while being so lost that they couldn’t find their way out of hay field. Criminals dismantling the legal side of government to that the laws that they are guilty of breaking no longer apply to them or their cronies. Capitalism is their god and they don’t care about anything else including you.

  10. about 1 month ago on Bliss

    Wouldn’t that be Ello for the British?