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SomeCallMe...Tim Premium

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  1. about 1 year ago on Scary Gary

    The funny thing (well, along with the comic itself – was a LOL) is that some folks will be upset that a poor spider is being dismembered in a comic where Leopold regularly dismembers people and tortures a head endlessly.

  2. over 1 year ago on Non Sequitur

    I’m going out on a limb here and guessing this was drawn shortly after Oct 7.

  3. over 1 year ago on Tom the Dancing Bug


  4. over 2 years ago on Dilbert Classics

    After reading the last panel I had to check the first panel again half expecting to see a mug in front of Dilbert in panel 1 and no mug there in panel 3.

  5. over 2 years ago on Dilbert Classics

    Was it enough for a lock? Maybe Cotter pin of love?

  6. about 4 years ago on Frazz

    I heard this one as a bar bet… “Did you know the United States has had an unelected King?…” Pres. Ford was not elected to VP or Pres – he was appointed.

  7. about 4 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Swing and a miss there. She was pretty explicit that she would not trust anything that Trump stated about a vaccine, and would be very skeptical of anything that came out of his twisted administration but would have to look into it further. Basically, my thoughts, too. Dr. Fauci IS a trustworthy person and he has declared “get the vaccine”… and Kamala Harris did indeed get the vaccine the other day.

  8. over 10 years ago on The Knight Life

    Hellooooooo, Ball.

    (one of the greatest Honeymooners skits ever)