I don’t waste time fretting stuff, AT>>that’s SnowWokeJokester specialty!! American life will only improve under the greatest warrior/patriot President since Washington, Donald John Trump!!!!
4 year PedoBidumb clown show mercifully ended January 20; Trump and American patriots now get innumerable daily chuckles watching ongoing Liberalooneyland meltdowns as all their imported criminal invaders finally getting the justice they deserve! USA! USA! USA!! MAGA! MAHA!
Retraction accepted, AT, but hilarity level of same remains intact!! That you side with Firebummer tells me all I need to know about the level of your political acumen.
AT that comment suggests that you prefer someone who “pervs” on KIDS, as PedoBidumb has been regularly caught on camera doing? YUCK indeed!! I’m something of a flag~hugger myself!!!
Unbrained breeder your silly retort has earned today’s LLLL Award nomination (Laughable Lieberal Lipflapper Lunacy)! Good luck; your competition on this forum is abundant!!
Donald John Trump will dazzle you and rapidly~dwindling numbers of other TDS sufferers with so many patriotic deeds on behalf of our Constitutional Republic that you will be compelled to abandon Marxist Demonrat indoctrination teachings and join TRUMP TRAIN passengers on America’s Golden Age Special tour!!! ALL ABOOOOAAARRRRD!!!
Decisions, decisions>>Tracy should take a page from Influence and mesmerize that ’kraut lout!!