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kballweg Premium

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  1. 11 months ago on Bob Gorrell

    By all means let’s support a petty dictator committing genocide as a way to stay in office and avoid being held accountable for criminal acts. I’m sure you will approve when Trump does the same thing if he get elected.

    Con men and billionaires over common sense and rule of law… huzzah!!

  2. 12 months ago on Clay Bennett

    There are two types of pro Trumpers that seemed to come out for this one 1) members of Putin’s troll army who are paid by the word, and 2) guys who really need to go to the gun range less as their lead poisoning levels are really showing.

  3. 12 months ago on Clay Bennett

    By the way, there were real solutions for the border crisis about to be passed until Trump told Republicans who joint sponsored the bill to vote no so he could use it to pump up the outrage machine. So, sod off with that straw man.

  4. 12 months ago on Clay Bennett

    How many will get killed by illegals – oh, about as many as get killed by sharks annd lightning each year which is way overestimated a disproportionally feared. Far fewer than radical gun nuts kill in a year – you know the ones the ones the GOP spend most of its time enabling. And, far fewer than thel hundred thousands who had to die needlessly when the GOP decided to politicize the response to COVID. You wing nuts were and are quite okay with that. You Trumpers are a death cult with very selective concern about people getting killed.

  5. about 1 year ago on Steve Breen

    Psst, Steve… it’s a matter of public record that Republican Administrations are single biggest factor in the growth of the debt. Stop giving tax breaks to billionaires and the debt would magically shrink.

  6. about 1 year ago on Bob Gorrell

    Facts? FACTS?? I don gotta show you no stinkin’ FACTS!

  7. about 1 year ago on Matt Davies

    Plus there appears to be a fix: painting one blade black makes them visible to birds.

  8. about 1 year ago on Matt Davies

    Not to mention the high cost of subsidies for big oil and gas industries. 5.9 TRILLION in 2022. We’re paying them to make billions in profits while making the planet uninhabitable. Wind farms are able to withstand hurricane level winds in the North Sea and not fall apart, so what’s your point Matt?

  9. over 1 year ago on Nothing is Not Something

    Mitch by far.

  10. over 1 year ago on Wallace the Brave

    “Gone feral” he came from the womb that way.