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  1. over 12 years ago on Frazz

    Ms. Olsen CAN’T show that she admires the behavior in front of the class. Chaos would result because the rest of the students would try to do the same thing as Caulfiled. That would be really painful to everyone. Ever heard a 4-year-old try to tell a joke?

  2. over 12 years ago on Frazz

    Ahhh, the facade of public education in the US. We really have private education masquerading as public education. We choose where we live and then go to the schools that are near where we live [except for forced bus rides, but that’s another issue].

    If you want your kids to go to a “good” school, you have to buy [or rent] a house in a neighborhood that gets your kid into that school. And, you have to pay the taxes/rent that go along with that school.

  3. over 12 years ago on Frazz

    @MiserichordI went to three different high schools:High school #1 started in 7th GradeHigh school #2 started in 9th gradeHigh school #3 started in 10th grade

    I went to my [school’s] first year of high school 3 times.