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bird3678 Premium

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  1. about 1 month ago on Adult Children
    Good illustration of the adage: “If you meet a jacka** today, you met a jacka**. If you meet ten jack***es today, you’re probably the jacka**.”
  2. 6 months ago on Ink Pen

    Burn the tavern down to the ground.

  3. about 1 year ago on Basic Instructions

    “I shall call him….Mini Me!”

  4. almost 2 years ago on Baby Blues

    Rare that a cartoon literally makes me lol, but mission accomplished today :D

  5. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    A few months ago, my wife reported to me that a dude hit on her. She made it clear immediately that she was flattered but not interested. My response: “Well, I can’t fault his taste!” and we had a good laugh about it. Guys, if a someone hits on your wife, and she’s not leading them on and makes it clear she’s not interested, what’s the problem? That you have a hot wife who’s faithful to you???

  6. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    A few months ago, my wife reported to me that a dude hit on her. She made it clear immediately that she was flattered but not interested. My response: “Well, I can’t fault his taste!” and we had a good laugh about it. Guys, if a someone hits on your wife, and she’s not leading them on and makes it clear she’s not interested, what’s the problem? That you have a hot wife who’s faithful to you???

  7. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    A few months ago, my wife told me that a guy hit on her. She made it clear that she was flattered but not interested, so no problems for me at all! My response: “Well, I can’t fault him for his taste!” and we got a big laugh out of it. Guys, if you wife is hot enough that guys are hitting on her, and she never leads them on and makes it clear she’s not interested, what’s the problem? That you have a hot wife???

  8. over 7 years ago on Working Daze

    He was the Batman I grew up with, and even though the show seems campy and goofy by modern standards, the lessons I leaned from that show—to stand up for what’s right, to defend those who can’t defend themselves, and that evil must be fought—will never go out of style.

  9. over 9 years ago on Candorville

    @Tarredandfeathered“White Murders are frequently classed as “Accidents” when the killer has even a halfway “Reasonable” story.”

    “frequently”? Care to give some statistics by an unbiased source?

    Just to clarify, are you saying that there is NO disproportion of young black males and violent crime? That the ENTIRE explanation for that stat (3-4% of the population, over half the homicides) is that they just happen to be arrested more often? Really? If that’s not what you’re saying, then what exactly was your point?

    And if it’s somehow ALL due to racism, then why don’t we see comparable statistics for immigrant blacks (say, from Jamaica or Africa)? Is Sheriff Bubba prejudiced against African Americans but an actual African immigrant is OK? Is he prejudiced against blacks but not against Asians? Is he prejudiced against young black men but not against older black women? Do we see comparable crime statistics for Indian immigrants? Strange how Bubba is only prejudiced against young black males.

  10. over 9 years ago on Candorville

    According to U. S. Census data, blacks make up around 13% of the population, but according to according to Bureau of Justice Statistics, they commit around 52% of the homicides. When you consider that it’s only around half of those who are male, and even a smaller portion ages 16-25 (we don’t have a lot of grandpas doing this), you have around 4-5% committing more than half the murders in this country, the vast majority of the victims ALSO being black. But by all means, let’s totally focus on the anecdotes of police officers who fired upon someone with absolutely no justification. That’s REALLY what we need to be concerned about. #BlackLivesMatter, but only when they’re killed by a white cop. When they’re killed by another black, not so much. http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/htus8008.pdf