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bird3678 Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. 18 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Yeah, “calm down, honey!” That always works with my wife!

  2. 28 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Oh, and use MFA on every account that you care about.

  3. 28 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Yeah, speaking as a cybersecurity professsional….no. Get a good password manager (I use Bitwarden, as does my company). Make every password for every single account at least 20 characters long (caps, lower-case, numbers and symbols), randomized, and unique for that account. Then change your password *when you have reason to believe it has been compromised*. You don’t need to change it every 90 days if you do this!

  4. 3 months ago on Adult Children
    Good illustration of the adage: “If you meet a jacka** today, you met a jacka**. If you meet ten jack***es today, you’re probably the jacka**.”
  5. 7 months ago on Ink Pen

    Burn the tavern down to the ground.

  6. about 1 year ago on Basic Instructions

    “I shall call him….Mini Me!”

  7. almost 2 years ago on Baby Blues

    Rare that a cartoon literally makes me lol, but mission accomplished today :D

  8. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    A few months ago, my wife reported to me that a dude hit on her. She made it clear immediately that she was flattered but not interested. My response: “Well, I can’t fault his taste!” and we had a good laugh about it. Guys, if a someone hits on your wife, and she’s not leading them on and makes it clear she’s not interested, what’s the problem? That you have a hot wife who’s faithful to you???

  9. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    A few months ago, my wife reported to me that a dude hit on her. She made it clear immediately that she was flattered but not interested. My response: “Well, I can’t fault his taste!” and we had a good laugh about it. Guys, if a someone hits on your wife, and she’s not leading them on and makes it clear she’s not interested, what’s the problem? That you have a hot wife who’s faithful to you???

  10. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    A few months ago, my wife told me that a guy hit on her. She made it clear that she was flattered but not interested, so no problems for me at all! My response: “Well, I can’t fault him for his taste!” and we got a big laugh out of it. Guys, if you wife is hot enough that guys are hitting on her, and she never leads them on and makes it clear she’s not interested, what’s the problem? That you have a hot wife???