Here in Michigan this morning I saw, cardinals, blue jays, mourning doves and some others that I didn’t know by sight. They were entertaining my cats for quite a while along with the squirrels.
At work they send out test phishing emails to make sure people are paying attention the security training they make us take. They usually have very obvious and sometimes funny address for the link. Some people still fall for them though because they don’t follow the procedure of hovering over the links to check them or picking up on the other red flags that are usually there.
I believe my brother escaped Australia unharmed, at least he texted my from the airport last night, He texted me that he saw someone one wearing a Wolverine’s shirt at the airport. Since i went to the University of Michigan I assume he meant a University of Michigan shirt, though later I remember that Hugh Jackman who played Wolverine is from Australia, but I don’t know why Tom would text me about that. He also texted me a picture of some cute stuffed koalas that he said he wasn’t buying for me since I had too many stuffed animals already.
Not sure. She didn’t ask this year she just posted what she had chosen. It might have to do with some of the restrictions, not just the rules, but the limits to the commenting system, why she sometimes only posts things on social media.
There is more then one. There is a 3 strip arc that starts on June 20, 2017. There is a two strip one that starts on September 8, 2017 and another two strip one that starts on January 15, 2018 and another two strip one that starts on May 20, 2019 where they all see the mailman and Goldie’s people’s moving van. There might be other ones that I missed.
@mepowell posted the text from Facebook late yesterday, but I thought I would repost the main info because I know someone asked about if Georgia needed ideas for her Reuben submission this year. She has decided to submit the 6 strips she did about women cartoonist not being represented well in most newspapers. The strips start March 18, 2024.
I was thinking that with that language the cats might start thinking it was Thanksgiving and start hoping for turkey.