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sueiabold Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. about 2 years ago on Over the Hedge

    Interesting thought about the hogs. As a person living in Texas, I have long said that at the end of the world the only things left will be cockroaches, fire ants and grackles. They can survive quite well on each other. Not sure about the feral hogs, I’ve had experience with them too and they taste good.

  2. over 2 years ago on Birdbrains

    Umm, only the females bite. Roles should have been reversed

  3. over 5 years ago on Drabble

    Yesterday I was standing in the check-out line at Target behind a woman buying Silly String. The register flagged the purchase – she had to prove she was over 21 (she was in her 60’s). Really? Silly String?

  4. about 8 years ago on For Heaven's Sake

    And we need to let God do it!