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  1. over 12 years ago on That is Priceless

    I thought though she didn’t look pregnant that maybe she was in a birthing chair and they were urging her to ‘push’, but den I sawa da snake! Lol!

  2. over 12 years ago on The Middletons

    Bless everyone here for your compassion! Indeed, NEVER have a cat de-clawed. It IS the same as a human having their finger amputated at the first joint, and it’s weeks and sometimes months of agony, and even a lifetime of pain and trauma for a cat. I once was in the back room of a veterinary office, and saw a little kitten who had been declawed the day before, and this poor little thing was in total agony! :*C His feet/legs were bandaged up to the elbow and blood was seeping through from his toes, and he was howling and hissing in pain and biting at the bandages (trying to ‘bite’ at the pain!) Broke my heart and I vowed to NEVER put a cat through that. Sorry to be graphic, but if we can make just one cat owner aware of this, it’s more than worth it. Trimming their claws yourself is easy~ Do have your vet show you – it’s painless as long as you don’t clip any of that little pink ‘core’ in their claw. That part is full of nerves and little blood vessels and will be very painful to them, but as long as you avoid that part, and clip the sharp, white points, it’s just like you painlessly clipping your own fingernails.