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  1. over 15 years ago on For Heaven's Sake

    Hint: most people take the 10 commandments out of context and miss the point that they are about a complete change of life still and not following a set of 10 rules. It is not about obeying rules but about living differently from the success oriented, blaming others, greedy, self-centered, etc. values of the world that we currently live in. It is about carrying for the powerless, the homeless, the poor, the sick, the hungry and all others who are blocked by our society from taking care of themselves.

  2. almost 16 years ago on Tom Toles

    thanks to the greed and entitlement attitudes of the last almost 30 years in the private sector, among individuals and in government. we are learning again the truth that captialism works only when oversight is constant and effective.

  3. almost 16 years ago on Lisa Benson

    A vivid example of how ideology blinds a person from reality. With a little bit of research and some use of intellect, Ms. Benson might not have insulted the scientist who have a code of ethics and sense of moralty that allows them to seek truth and cures for illnesses that are different from the ideology represented by this pictorial ‘comment.’

  4. over 16 years ago on Views of the World

    It seems that the Mr. Turner in Ireland has a better grasp of our nation than the home grown men and women who make political comments using cartoons.

  5. over 16 years ago on Dana Summers

    Considering what our country has done to us under the Republicans and considering that we have a very different economic situation, this cartoon is an example of the intellectual laziness and historical distortions that has been going around these last 8 years.

  6. over 16 years ago on Lisa Benson

    If this cartoom implies, as it seems, that Sen. Obama is leading us to “socialism,” how sad that Lisa Benson has chosen to ignor what the current administration is doing and what most Republican administration has done in shear the rest of us for the wealthest 5% to have more money that does not “trickle” down to the rest of us, as promised by those who would provide wealthfare for the rich.

  7. over 16 years ago on Lisa Benson

    I find this representation to have little connection with historical reality. The banding iron ought to read “responsible government” since it the lack of over sight by the government regulatory agency that has created the financial problems we currently had, and have had in most Republican administration because of a distorted view of the willingness of the “free market” to regulate itself for the common good. There is not “free market,” since the “little person” always pays. I wish that editorial cartoonist would show more perspective than what is easy and immediate.