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  1. about 2 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    And here’s the really scary part…. I’m pretty sure that one of the country’s political parties believes right now that if another world pandemic comes along the best strategy would just be to do nothing and let nature take its course. And a big chunk of its followers believe the same thing. It really makes you wonder. What if something like Ebola came along, which – I just looked it up – can have a mortality rate of 80% to 90% in the absence of available care? Would these people just yawn and say things like “can’t do anything that would mess up the economy”?

  2. 3 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    “Democracy means that people get to vote, not that the democrats must win…” That’s the point! It wasn’t Democrats that attempted to obstruct the certification of a free and fair presidential election on January 6th! And the president that planned and orchestrated that insurrection wasn’t a Democrat either! Plus, it’s Republicans that have been working for years now to make it harder to vote! It makes you wonder where these people get their news from. Wait a minute…

  3. 3 months ago on Brian McFadden

    I’ll stop – couldn’t help myself.

  4. 3 months ago on Brian McFadden

    There you go again. The idea that trying Trump for crimes as a former president lies outside of a “constitutionally defined process” is an opinion. Here’s what we all know: The orange a$$hole initiated and attempted to put into place a plan to obstruct the carrying out of a free and fair election in an effort to remain president. The job before the supreme court here was not to decide the particulars of official immunity for all presidents from here to eternity, but rather to look at this ONE case that involved a situation that had never occurred before in America, a President standing in the way of a peaceful transfer of power. Donald Trump came within a hair’s width of installing an attorney general who had indicated to him that he’d be willing to use the law enforcement power of the Justice Department as per fake voting irregularities to pause the 2020 election, and six partisan justices have just now said that that action, the hiring of an accomplice willing to behave in this corrupt manner, was an official act that provides immunity. Wonder what guys like you would be saying if the president that tried to pull such a stunt were a Democrat. I thought so. As my pa taught me to say a long time ago, y’all aint nothin’ but breath and britches.

  5. 5 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Yowza, well this is indeed the day to mention Mr. Abbott… Go google “Abbott pardon.” It’s always been the case that “stand your ground” applies only to white folks. Now, it appears that, at least in the case of red states, it provides legal cover for conservative white folks only.

  6. 5 months ago on Jeff Danziger

    My dad at the age of 92, after a nice long life, is starting to show signs of dementia. He frequently goes off on these long and detailed, yet nonsensical monologues that have very little to do with the subjects being discussed. The other day, it got me thinking about the current state of politics in America. After about a month of this nonsensical talk, I huddled with other family members, and we all realized that we needed to get my pa to a neurologist, pronto. And as for the noted politics, Donald Trump has been spewing nonsensical monologues for nine years, been elected president once, orchestrated an insurrection, and appears to have a good chance of being elected president again. I can hear the neurologist now…. “Sir, I’ve got good and bad news. The bad news, your dad’s MRI indicated early-stage dementia, but as I said I’ve also got good news as well, which is that, if he’s still around, your father should run for president in 2028, the cognitive decline being an excellent indicator that no matter how crazy he talks and acts a large portion of the public will STILL cast their votes for him.”

  7. 5 months ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Suddenly I’m recalling when the Right was obsessed with “executive overreach.” Oh, that’s right. That was when Obama was the president. Conservatives – judges, politicians, and citizens – for all of ‘em, it’s never about principles. It’s always politics, 24/7.

  8. 5 months ago on Clay Jones

    Here’s the hypothetical I wish one of the sane judges would present to Trump’s lawyer(please!): So the majority rule here that official acts are off-limits to prosecution as per immunity, and shortly thereafter, President Biden has Donald Trump assassinated, subsequent to being informed by multiple members of his staff, a large number of intelligence and military officials, and various historians that a Trump presidency beginning in 2025 would be the biggest threat to democracy and national security America has ever faced – are you saying there would be no crime here? Can you imagine the Right, after such happened, looking over there at the White House and saying “well, I don’t care for Sleepy Joe, but he was just doing what he thought was right. And since he is the president that does make Trump’s assassination an official act and therefore not punishable. We all just need to move on and put this behind us.” I can’t imagine that either.

  9. 6 months ago on M2Bulls

    Yes, the rate, I’d already written too much! We folks that were born here are way more dangerous.

  10. 6 months ago on M2Bulls

    Also… My dad used to oversee the state-sanctioned seasonal foreign worker program here in Virginia. He explained to me that many farmers preferred to use undocumented workers because, right, it was cheaper – the state mandated a certain wage rate and that housing be provided. Also, he outlined how undocumented workers helped the rest of us as per Social Security. So even an undocumented worker needs a paper trail to look legal, and that paper trail includes a Social Security number, which has to be fake, but which also means Social Security is removed from those workers’ paychecks. The end of this story goes like this: Undocumented workers help grow the Social Security pot for the rest of us, but never receive Social Security benefits because, well, they’re undocumented. Yeah, it really makes you wonder about Republicans – they’re just not into facts. When they drive around, do they ever look around? Do they ever notice who’s cutting all of the grass, and putting new roofs on all of the houses, and bussing all of the restaurant tables??? It’s not that liberals think that an undocumented guy killing someone is not newsworthy. It’s just that it’s such a tiny part of the immigrant story used always to make a false point. (And how many murders today will be committed by citizens born right here in America? You’ll never see this headline on Fox News: Citizen Born Right Here in America Commits Murder.)