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Ravynne Free
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- about 14 years ago on New Adventures of Queen Victoria
over 14 years ago
on New Adventures of Queen Victoria
I like the fall, The Mist and All
I like the fall The mist and all I like the night owl’s lonely call And wailing sound Of wind around
I like the gray November day And dead, bare boughs that coldly sway Against my pane I like the rain
I like to sit And laugh at it And tend my cozy fire a bit I like the fall The mist and all
~Dixie Wilson~
over 14 years ago
on MythTickle
It’s either Elder Futhark or Anglo-Saxon Futhark.
The first (resembling a pointy P) is the “w” sound and is pronounced as either “wunjo” or “wyn” and means “Joy.”
The second (the bowtie) is the “d” sound and is either “dagaz” or “daeg” and means “day.”
So…perhaps she’s singing “Oh, Happy Day?” O.o
over 14 years ago
on New Adventures of Queen Victoria
For April Fool’s a few years ago, I told some friends to watch this meme vid all the way through to the “REALLY SUPER-COOL ENDING”….I think my inbox melted from the hatemail firestorm that followed, hee hee.
over 14 years ago
on New Adventures of Queen Victoria
One of my fave quotes: “Lemons are not bad. They are full of Vitamin C. But when people say life is “giving them lemons,” they think life hates them. But that’s not the case…when life gives you lemons, it’s because life hates scurvy.” - Bo Nanas 5/15/06
about 15 years ago
on MythTickle
It’s also a cultural thing - I was taught in the college that I used to work for (which had a high population of Chinese students) that if you give someone of Chinese nationality a gift, especially at a party or something, they often won’t open it there, and don’t be offended. It’s considered rude to just open it in front of everyone. They have a gift table and display the wrapped gifties, and will open them in private. Most likely to avoid any hurt feelings if the person either gave an inferior gift by comparison (or duplicate gift) or to avoid showing any disappointment if it’s not well-received. :)
Happy New Year, Justin!
about 15 years ago
on New Adventures of Queen Victoria
As a respectful pagan, I wish everyone a peaceful holiday season, no matter what path you tread. May we all have enough of what we want and need, and little to none of what we don’t. Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Good Hijri and Peaceful Solstice to all. Good Festivus!! ;) Now go check on your neighbours. It’s cold.
about 15 years ago
on New Adventures of Queen Victoria
Huzzah from another Virginian! And yesh, the snow is very pretty. Now if we could get folks to drive as well as it is pretty, we’d be all set! Bring your crash helmets, Claus family!
over 15 years ago
on MythTickle
They obviously need to find the chalice from the palace…since Boody’s in the dungeon tower!
almost 16 years ago
on New Adventures of Queen Victoria
Wow. I had no idea that by simply allowing someone else to be happy and live their life the way that they choose was causing me to “bow to their will.” I guess the way my alternate pagan religion is already protected by the Constitution is by the same logic making all who don’t practice my faith (but must allow me to do so) also bow to my will? Wow. What power.
Fortunately, for you all, my faith requires that I only worry about one person in this world as far as keeping tabs on what they are doing day in, day out. That person would be myself. I’ll mind my own business about my own business if you’ll kindly do the same for your own business.
Gay marriage issues are not going to destroy anyone’s life unless they allow it to. My heterosexual marriage has not been affected one whit by anything that a homosexual has ever done, unless you count the drag queen that hit on my husband that one time… ; )
Blessings on you all, no matter your path or your views.
The classic “A Fish Called Wanda” scene where Archie (John Cleese) goes through different languages and Wanda (Jamie Lee Curtis) melts…
(uhm. barely-concealed nudity, and fully-clothed writhing, just to warn)