
Jim Barker Free

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Recent Comments

  1. 6 months ago on Animal Crackers

    It’s where a certain ex-president shops.

  2. about 1 year ago on Strange Brew

    Where people come to die…

  3. about 1 year ago on Crankshaft

    Look, if you don’t enjoy this strip, why are you following it?

  4. about 1 year ago on The Middletons

    When I was but a lad, still in my single-digits, one Christmas I thought I’d practice my still-burgeoning sarcasm on my newly-singled mother. So, after opening my generous presents, I asked her (tongue-in-cheek) “Is that all?” At 80 years old, I still remember that crest-fallen, disappointed look on my mother’s face. To this day, I cannot tell that story without choking up.

  5. about 1 year ago on Crankshaft

    Why does there always need to be a joke? This strip is just a pleasant journey.

  6. over 1 year ago on Looks Good on Paper

    …Darned autocorrect…!

  7. over 1 year ago on Strange Brew

    Pan American Airways

  8. over 7 years ago on Rubes

    When I was in the Navy (in another lifetime), we’d call the “Go-Aheads.” Probably because that’s the only way you could walk in them.

  9. over 7 years ago on The Middle Age

    My email won’t accept your address; I’ve tried all sorts of combinations. Howcum?

  10. almost 8 years ago on Pibgorn

    I see London…I see France…