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  1. almost 16 years ago on New Adventures of Queen Victoria

    And for the record, Pab. Bravo!!! I applaud you for your stand, and fantastic willingness to, very simply, stand by what you believe in. If there is going to be such blind generalization of categorization of these and other books, Amazon should NOT have the right to sell these books. If there’s anything I despise more than prejudice, it’s making flat generalizations of any group of people, no matter what defines them, and to do the same for books is just plain ridiculous in my mind. Again, bravo.

  2. almost 16 years ago on New Adventures of Queen Victoria

    No to beat a dead horse, but Ira, I’m a bit bothered by the first part of your comment. And I realize I can’t speak for everyone, and most of the people who fill your description are the loud and obnoxious “Christians” out there, but how can you say and blanketly write off that if someone doesn’t agree with homosexuality it automatically means they “hate” gays. Isn’t that just like those “Christians” saying what they say so blanketly about you and yours?

    I personally don’t agree with the lifestyle, but I HARDLY have any hatred towards those in the community. I spent several years, in school, in the theatre community, and if you don’t end up with a load of the kindest, most caring gay friends there, you won’t find them anywhere. BUT, as much as I love and treasure the friendships I have forged there, they also knew/know where I stand in my own beliefs and that I don’t agree with their lifestyle. And it’s done nothing to affect how great our friendships are.

    A human being is more than a label, and it frustrates me to see how often those who are feeling victimized by the labels of the extreme right-wing community tend to be just as equally closed minded in their own opinions of the world and society. I have a difficult time seeing how your mindset is any different from theirs, just simply on the other side of the coin, if it were.