When I was a lad in school, I did have to walk to the bus stop uphill both ways. Snow on the ground notwithstanding.
We lived a mile off the paved roads, and the bus would not come into the area on the private roads. There was a large valley with a stream and lake in it and I had to walk through that valley.
So you see, one had to travel uphill coming or going, … eg) BOTH ways!
When I was a lad in school, I did have to walk to the bus stop uphill both ways. Snow on the ground notwithstanding.
We lived a mile off the paved roads, and the bus would not come into the area on the private roads. There was a large valley with a stream and lake in it and I had to walk through that valley.
So you see, one had to travel uphill coming or going, … eg) BOTH ways!