Interesting. To the professor, Tara is “Miss Starr”, but he calls Luann by her first name. Maybe they have a prior (teacher/student) relationship we don’t know about?
@wmconelly: The Constitution provides for the reapportionment of the number of Representatives for each state every ten years based on the census. Thus, while the number of Representatives may be stuck at 435, the number each state has changes with their proportion of the total population.
It’s obviously a Memorial Day parade. If you haven’t noticed, the day the strip appears here lags the strip date by 102 days. For example, on 4/1 Jeri says the date is 12/21. In the 8/22 strip Jeri is concerned about the spring dance; the correct date is 5/12. That would make today’s strip 5/25.
Interesting. To the professor, Tara is “Miss Starr”, but he calls Luann by her first name. Maybe they have a prior (teacher/student) relationship we don’t know about?