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Actually Wally kind of looks like he’s seen a ghost…maybe Aunt Helen is no longer of this world!
a ferocity of dachshunds. Okay, maybe that’s just mine
If they really want to reform something, start with Torts. Fix that problem and maybe health care costs wouldn’t be so ridiculous.
I like having an anti-Christian comment from someone called FROG, when FROG has become an acronym for Fully Rely On God.
It’s the nose, isn’t it?
That Poncho is one clever pooch!
Ummm….aren’t you ALL technically “som’ beech”es?
Only Paul would have the genius to know that a kidnapped plank of wood should be blindfolded. I am just enjoying the HECK out of this story line!
What a great bit! I totally remember the original now but had forgotten. This was perfect…kudos, kudos, kudos to you, Paul!