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  1. over 11 years ago on Matt Davies

    All the gun laws INFRINGE upon my right to bear arms.What I rarely hear is that with rights come RESPONSIBILITIES. If I am to be a responsible owner of weapons of any type, I am responsible for making them secure.Now, if 3 teachers had been carrying, how many would have died? We will never know. If it were NOT a ‘gun free zone’ would the incident even have taken place? Again, we will never know.We do know that ‘gun free zones’ are not the answer, they are just a magnet to draw mass killers.

    BTW – The 2nd amendment was all about assault weapons, having the ability to resist a tyrannical government because the first step in a tyranny is to remove the defenses of the subjects. Look up the Magna Carta. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magna_Carta This is not the first time, learn from history.