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sousamannd Free

Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on Pluggers

    Of course, do the nose and the ears, but not with a blade… I did that for my first date many years ago – I gotta tell ya, when you cut an ear, they just don’t stop bleeding. My first date – with the kleenex stuck to my ear to stop the bleeding. Oh ya – never used a blade again. Sometimes now my ear hair grows so fast, it keeps me awake at night.

  2. 5 days ago on Pluggers

    Actually, I like a spoonful of sugar the most. It always helps the medicine go down!

  3. 6 days ago on Pluggers

    I like to have salt and popcorn with my butter!

  4. 12 days ago on Pluggers

    Why is that, Retrac? We have better hygiene than most young people today!

  5. 13 days ago on Pluggers

    That’s why some of you are nice enough and caring enough that you help us through doors and up/down steps. We appreciate some of you yung’ns.

  6. 13 days ago on Pickles

    In the second square, I can ‘almost’ see an eye in Earl’s left eye?

  7. 13 days ago on Pluggers

    Very few families were like Ward and Miss Homemaker… we were a different generation, for sure. We had to work, and then work some more… after we were done working for the day, we had to come home to work some more. Kids were seen but not heard… Kids didn’t rule the home… most parents weren’t afraid of their kids or hurting their feelings. Actually, many of us grew up to be lousy parents, too. Let today’s alphabetic generation see how they do it… IF they even have kids… and a big if, if they even know how to make kids because I am not sure some of them even know what those parts are for, anyway. I wonder how many of them will name their baby girls "Karen.’ ha

  8. 15 days ago on Pluggers

    I hope you learned how not to be an SOB, but the chances are high that it wasn’t all ‘just him.’

  9. 16 days ago on Pluggers

    Maybe you keep old toothbrushes around so it can bug people who’s business it isn’t of what you keep or don’t keep. Real pluggers grew up in a country of real freedom and in most cases, you didn’t concern yourself with other people’s storage contents.

  10. 17 days ago on Pluggers

    I suppose now you would expect them to stop with the freebies. I don’t eat what I know to be on my forbidden list… but anyway, I am glad you are ok. These days, it only takes one to shut down thousands…