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GramCat Free

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  1. over 8 years ago on Sketchshark Comics

    This is the reason why people who don’t know cats dislike them. Totally ugly and nasty – nothing like the real animal.My fur-babies and I are offended.Think I’ll discontinue this seriously twisted strip.

  2. over 9 years ago on The Big Picture

    It is said that misery loves company – and that may be true —to a point.I for one do not wish to relive my many losses – it’s too painful and it’s masochistic.

    Ginger has been gone for 11 years now.I understand your sorrow for losing her – she was your companion and muse for 16 years.You will always miss her but enough with the self-pity wallow. Time for a long-overdue reality check.

    Have you honored her memory by adopting another feline or two ?Are there any successors to help heal the hole in your heart ?Would she not want you to give your love to another of her kind?Looking for a “Yes” here.Would she be happy if you were alone and hurting ?I think not.

    Having had more than my share of wonderful fur kids I’ve had more than my share of losses. It doesn’t get easier – each loss is compounded by those before it.So I weep, mourn and hug the remaining cats closer.I do not choke on love that has no where to go.

    Nothing is forever.Be grateful for the time that you’ve had together.Don’t weep because it’s over — smile because it happened.There are many, many worthy kitties who die every day for want of a home.Man Up and move on if you haven’t already.

    Now I’ll empty my waste basket of all the tissues I’ve used while typing this.Eventually the throat lump will subside.

    As of today I am canceling your strip from my Cartoon Queue – I can’t take it anymore. When I said I feel your pain I truly meant it.I can do without the morning weep-fests.

  3. over 9 years ago on The Big Picture

    Lenny — I feel your pain — seriously.I’ve had more than my share of fur kids -and naturally more than my share of loss.As much as I appreciate your sharing -I don’t need any more pain.Please stop – it brings back too much sorrow.(typing through blurred eyes and a tennis ball in the throat)

  4. about 10 years ago on Tiny Confessions

    Ms. Keen — Pekes rule – have had four over 30 years – among other breeds. Also had a Beagle or two. Big mistake, especially at your age.My Beagles were not small – and nothing like Pekes.They are hunting dogs — need to run.Shitzu or Lasa would be better choices.Good luck with them — hope you do not regret it.

  5. almost 12 years ago on Invisible Bread
