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Recent Comments

  1. almost 13 years ago on That is Priceless

    I’m glad that this was not the first one of this series that I came across.

    Sorry, not funny.

  2. almost 13 years ago on That is Priceless

    The Death of Cleopatra


  3. about 13 years ago on That is Priceless

    My grandfather said that he kept moving because he was establishing churches in all those towns. I wonder who he ratted out?

  4. about 13 years ago on That is Priceless

    Is it just me or is that left breast really out of place?

  5. about 13 years ago on Last Kiss

    He wondered why she was a virgin.

  6. over 13 years ago on Dude and Dude

    Dune Buggy’s comment is “Which hurts worse?”

    Use Cntrl+ to magnify your view.

  7. over 13 years ago on Gary Markstein

    Bismarck said that one should “never see laws or sausages being made.”

    Nobody loves a compromise, and this compromise is not yet complete.

    I heard a congressman note that the approval rate for Congress was now 14%. “We don’t have that many relatives. I believe that the number is inflated.”.

    Remember the old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.”

  8. almost 15 years ago on Close to Home

    Please note that the mother is referring to the child as “Your son…”

  9. about 15 years ago on Close to Home

    You will need to speak to our technical support, Rajeesh. Pick up the red phone over there and speak clearly and slowly.

    Please do not squeeze the phone too hard; you could make it disappear.

  10. about 15 years ago on Close to Home

    People hire people to solve problems, not to create them. What problems will you solve on your job today?

    There is no prohibition against bringing your own tissues.