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Lalo Alcaraz must be a LIBERAL Democrat.
Amen, brother Sully2000. It’s the LIBERAL anti-Constitution Democrats who want gun CONTROL!
What about left wing views? Most cartoons with a political bent are very LIBERAL in their views.
I have the game “Boom or Bust.” Came out about the same time that Monopoly did but if was a little more complicated and didn’t do well. Used to play it as a kid and my grandparents home.
I don’t belong to leftist AARP. I belong to AMAC.
What about the president who blames the previous president who for everything gone wrong in this country? Whatever happened to responsibility?
He’s an Aggie?
It still says 2014 as a copyright date!
It says 2014 as a copyright date.
And no place on his sleigh for a charger.
Lalo Alcaraz must be a LIBERAL Democrat.