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Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Drabble

    The first dog I remember was named “Papeno”. Later found out that was short for “Puppy No!”

  2. 2 days ago on The Fusco Brothers

    The Bums in our town would “Rather have a Beers”!

  3. 2 days ago on The Born Loser

    I only wish they could live longer. Funny how every pup we’ve had represents a different stage of our life. Woody (miniature schnauzer) when we started our family. Willie (Standard Schnauzer) as the kids grew up. And now Quincy, (Willies’ nephew.) as our kids are starting their families. (4 Grandsons so far!) Dogs are special!

  4. 4 days ago on The Fusco Brothers

    You should try it some time. It’s a peaceful, easy felling. Come on, you can do it. I know you wont let me down!

  5. 6 days ago on Super-Fun-Pak Comix

    Well… They Are Dogs!

  6. 7 days ago on Drabble

    “Carlos Murphy’s” in the S.F. Bay Area. We Loved It!

  7. 7 days ago on The Born Loser

    I"Rish" (* I Wish;) I could share a picture of an old Beer stein I found from my old day’s of driving a truck for a Budweiser distributorship back in the 80’S/90’S. It has that Exact same fraise along with a couple of leprechauns dancing around, up to No Good! No Losers on St Paddy’s Day!!!

  8. 8 days ago on JumpStart

    The amount of pain relief you get when you stick that paperclip is Amazing! It takes a couple weeks for the nail to fall off. And BOY is it GROSS!!!

  9. 8 days ago on The Fusco Brothers

    No… That would be Axel!

  10. 9 days ago on The Born Loser

    BAM!!! Keep it going Brutus. Be sure to bring home a “Doggie Bag” for her. A Dog Bag for the Old Bag!!!