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  1. 8 days ago on Overboard

    Louie is a lab. Labs love water. Bath time is just more time with water.

  2. 10 days ago on Get Fuzzy

    It’s not the toxic item that’s toxic, it’s the dose. LD50 (lethal dose to 50% of the population) of chocolate in humans is around 50 pounds consumed in a few minutes. (The human liver is extremely efficient at neutralizing theobromine, so practically the instant you ingest it, it’s gone, so you have to ingest a huge quantity very quickly). For dogs it’s far lower, but a small amount once in a while won’t kill them, so if they sniff up chocolate crumbs off the floor, you’re usually fine.

  3. 12 days ago on Pooch Cafe

    I believe Poo-Poo has been said to be a Bichon Frise, which if you look it up is a very froufrou dog.

  4. 15 days ago on Grand Avenue

    Libraries are more than just places to get books nowadays. Most have evolved – you can borrow a lot more than just books (most lend media – audio, movies, etc), but many also provide access to things you might need occasionally – things like scanning services, or isolation rooms to produce podcasts or videos. All for free and paid for by your taxes to give those who might not have the opportunity or space to try something. They also offer conference rooms for small gatherings. They are a hidden treasure if you need to get something done on the cheap

  5. 29 days ago on Pooch Cafe

    Grapefruit is the hybrid of pomelo and tangelos, so you actually need to avoid eating those if your medication is incompatible with grapefruit. Seville oranges are also similar and need to be avoided. Other citrus like regular oranges, lemons, etc are generally OK.Not all heart medication is affected by grapefruits – if you’re taking a statin, there are statins unaffected by grapefruits.

  6. about 1 month ago on Grand Avenue

    Dead bolts have been standard for so long it’s easy to forget older houses have self-locking doors. Deadbolts lack the self-locking feature so it’s impossible to lock yourself out without having the key (or someone inside to let you in).

    Of course, it’s also possible to leave your door unlocked by forgetting to lock it…

  7. about 1 month ago on Overboard

    Wolves getting friendly with humans is how they ended up wearing funny costumes and other things for our pleasure.

  8. about 2 months ago on Betty

    Pineapples on pizza is good. But it also requires a hot pizza oven to work properly. You need the pineapple to caramelize and then go through the Maillard reaction to turn into deliciousness. This requires a very hot oven so you don’t evaporate all the juice which keeps everything moist, but also not let the moisture get the crust soggy. Pizza is an exercise in contrasts – the toppings must be moist but the crust must stay crisp. It’s what makes fresh made pizza so good – the crust is crunchy and the toppings are moist.

  9. about 2 months ago on Heart of the City

    Disney also is responsible for the whole “lemmings commit suicide” thing. The Disney filmmakers purposely chased lemmings off cliffs for the movie. For sharks, shark fin soup is the reason – they cut the fins off sharks and dump them back into the water to drown. it’s so bad Gordon Ramsey who was doing a piece on the evils of shark fin soup got death threats – it’s so illegal many gangs in Asia are basically responsible for all of it.

  10. about 2 months ago on Zack Hill

    Especially given the budget for most school lunches is $1.25 per student. Yes, that’s all the money the school can spend on food.