Paying your school loan you took out to become a health care provider is six digits, and the first one is not a 1 or a 2. Paying for new drug development is 7 digits and some times 8 digits. Having a bed in a GREAT hospital for you when you are sick is a 8 digit number to have that bed ready for you every year. We as Americans can afford to pay and repay those who take care of us when we get sick. I have been sick for 17 years, and yes I am wearing clothes that are 17 years old, because I am repaying those who took care of me and are still taking care of me. To pay $375.00 a month for health insurance is not too much.
Paying your school loan you took out to become a health care provider is six digits, and the first one is not a 1 or a 2. Paying for new drug development is 7 digits and some times 8 digits. Having a bed in a GREAT hospital for you when you are sick is a 8 digit number to have that bed ready for you every year. We as Americans can afford to pay and repay those who take care of us when we get sick. I have been sick for 17 years, and yes I am wearing clothes that are 17 years old, because I am repaying those who took care of me and are still taking care of me. To pay $375.00 a month for health insurance is not too much.