When I first moved to FL, there was a little terrier like Duncan. Every time Sassy saw me, you’d think someone was pulling her tail because of her whining wanting to get to me. Her human would let her go, she’d run up to me and I would carry her like a human child on my hip bringing her back to her human. Miss her.
silberdistel 7 months ago
I would love to cuddle this perfect little gentleman. No meat in my pockets though.
metagalaxy1970 7 months ago
When I first moved to FL, there was a little terrier like Duncan. Every time Sassy saw me, you’d think someone was pulling her tail because of her whining wanting to get to me. Her human would let her go, she’d run up to me and I would carry her like a human child on my hip bringing her back to her human. Miss her.