He’s busy. She’s just wandering around looking for something to do. The obvious logical course of action solves 4 problems. First, he can finish what he is doing without further interruption. Second, she has something to keep her busy. Third, the deck gets stained. Fourth, since she stains the deck, she can’t complain about him doing it wrong.
Of course, that’s a fantasy-world solution…
Edcole1961 over 15 years ago
If this were “Red Meat,” he’d probably say something like, “Urinate on it.”
lewisbower over 15 years ago
Yes dear. You’re right dear. You’re always right dear.
10eapolis Premium Member over 15 years ago
We women cannot hear those 3 words enough: “You’re right, dear.” Doesn’t entirely make up for the procrastination, but still nice to hear.
NoBrandName over 15 years ago
He’s busy. She’s just wandering around looking for something to do. The obvious logical course of action solves 4 problems. First, he can finish what he is doing without further interruption. Second, she has something to keep her busy. Third, the deck gets stained. Fourth, since she stains the deck, she can’t complain about him doing it wrong. Of course, that’s a fantasy-world solution…