Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for April 21, 2010

  1. Zappa sheik
    ksoskins  almost 15 years ago

    You fool, you were supposed to go with the tapeworm idea.

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    persmisc1  almost 15 years ago

    Cool. I’m going to try it on my doc. Mike

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    gwise  almost 15 years ago

    If you thought to yourself “Hey, that caption makes no sense”, you’d be right. This caption was supposed to run with yesterday’s cartoon. Opps. Apologies from the cartoonist guys. Gary and Lance.

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    gwise  almost 15 years ago

    Now you know how we make typos. That’s “oops.”

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    freeholder1  almost 15 years ago

    Was a rather fishy caption, gwise.

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    freeholder1  almost 15 years ago

    Does not reduce the humor of the cartoon, though.

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    rw1h  almost 15 years ago

    What you do about it is change doctors. Find one who is fat and you’ll never hear about a weight problem again….

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    Catpatsy  almost 15 years ago

    Why are the cartoons no longer being emailed to me?

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