Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for October 14, 2014

  1. Bananeajoe00001
    Toonerific  about 10 years ago

    Did you know that you could fix it yourself in less time than it would take to ask dude there to fix it?

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  2. 5c372578 b1c0 4970 bedc 030c7b7eb20f
    Michael Jones  about 10 years ago

    Well, woman, if you know about how to fix it, then do it yourself. Women are superior to men, right? Or, so I’m always hearing.

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    neverenoughgold  about 10 years ago

    Put it in the job jar, honey. I’ll take care of it when I get a round tuit…

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  4. 06 us2c ue24
    Sailor46 USN 65-95  about 10 years ago

    I usually don’t mind doing repairs around the house. It’s a legitimate reason to buy a new tool. I mean the correct tool to do the job properly!

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  5. Kride pic 008
    grossvatter  about 10 years ago

    About 4- 10 penny nails outta do the trick!!!!!" Right tools for the right job" never fails

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  6. Aqualung
    cheap_day_return  about 10 years ago

    When home repairs are requested, I look at the job, grunt, and say, “Mmmmph…look like job for Makita!”

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