Woman 1: How are the kids doing? Woman 2: Oh, just great. They're both honor students. Lots of friends, and they both play in the band. Woman 1: Really! What instruments? Woman 2: Tuba and drums. It's a feeling of parental pride mixed with sonic horror.
hippogriff over 8 years ago
That’s bass-icly it, if you can beat it, give it a try. (Sorry, just came off Chickweed.)
Great Wizard Nala over 8 years ago
The tuba player must be a BLOWHARD!
grossvatter over 8 years ago
HEY!!!!as alife long drummer(1965)and still drummin’.I resemble that wise crack! hahahahavery good!!!
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
We had a trumpeter in the family for a few years…
K M over 8 years ago
I played tuba in the HS band. Put me right in front of the whole dang percussion section. And given the noted lack of control of HS drummers, you can understand why I called them the concussion section.
hippogriff over 8 years ago
K M I know what you mean. In our community band, the “third row” (trombones, baritones, and tuba) have the percussion on the fourth row. However, our percussionists can do two things very few high school drum beaters can: read music and play pianissimo. Still, there are passages . . .