Red and Rover by Brian Basset for October 18, 2009
Red: Wowsers, was I ever having the strangest dream just now. In it, you and I were on a mission to the outer planets when one day, just after eating lunch, our spacecraft suddenly veered violently off course. The onboard computer quickly spit out the bad news. We were being pulled in by the gravitational force of a gaseous space blob made up of water, methane, ammonia hydrogen and helium. Then, just as fast as it had begun, it was over. an asteroid slammed into the rogue globoid from behind- Kaplowee!!.. smashing its dense core into a trillion gazillion pieces!
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
Yeah, let’s get to the important part of the dream.
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
If I were you Rover, I’d be concerned about what you’re going to be having for breakfast.
kfaatz925 over 15 years ago