If you had a machine that could travel through time, what time. Would you choose? Me- I go back to the age of the dinosaurs! Well, I travel into the future. Really? What year? This year!... Today!... To tonight's dinner time! I'm hungry now.
comicgos over 10 years ago
Catfeet Premium Member over 10 years ago
You’ll be there before you know it, Rover!
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
But we do have a time machine to travel back and no it is not a DeLorain, it is the computer. Or you could just visit a building full of hard copy information, the older people call it a Library.
rpmurray over 10 years ago
I don’t think future Rover is going to be happy about past Rover swiping his dinner.
llong65 over 10 years ago
but Rover if you go into the past with Red, think of the size of the bones you could chew.
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
I want to go back to the fifties…
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Rover is so practical. I grew up in the 50s and it was a very peaceful time. The quiet before the storm. I would love to have that again but I do think it is just a state of mind.
quartermain over 10 years ago
Get all your inoculations and then go back to the Victorian era.
GROG Premium Member over 10 years ago
When I was Red’s age in the 60’ I was always watching Star Trek and thinking about the future. I never gave a thought to dinosaurs.
mymontana over 10 years ago
I love Dinosaurs, Red – but I think I’m in Red’s corner on this one…the here & the now and then supper!You two are super!LOVE & HUGS TO YOU, DEAREST RED & ROVER!
JP Steve Premium Member over 10 years ago
I’m happy when I am, but I’d like to be here in my twenties!
NCTom Premium Member over 10 years ago
I am happy being right now, but to visit a different time as a trip would be fun. Getting all those shots and carrying some antibiotics would be a good idea.I have always thought the 1920"s would be fascinating with all the changes that were occurring faster than ever before.
NCTom Premium Member over 10 years ago
I am happy being right now, but to visit a different time as a trip would be fun. Getting all those shots and carrying some antibiotics would be a good idea.I have always thought the 1920"s would be fascinating with all the changes that were occurring faster than ever before.
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
This cartoon gives me my smile for the Day, Thank You Sir.