Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for May 29, 2016
Voice: That tunnel to Elk Canyon is closed like a Chick-Fil-A on Sunday. So how did the van I saw at the murder scene get through there? Breezy: There's got to be an explanation! TNT: Is the "Weekend at Bernie's" remake thing still on the table? Breezy: This is, where we saw the body. But now there's nothin'! TNT: It's Valentine's Day, Breezy, shouldn't we be gorging ourselves on bonbons not murder? Breezy: Chocolates never got in the way of Jessica Fletcher, did they? I saw a van and somene dumb a body down in Elk Canyon, TNT... But there's no way even a vespa could get into the canyon, let alone a serial-killer van! Those things are huge! What are we missing, TNT? TNT: Personally, I'm missing the Saturday Night buffet at sizzler. And you're missing a sense of perspective. Breezy: Ok, I'll take you to Sizzler, but you have to help me solve this mystery. TNT: You spring for the dessert buffet, too. The brown betty costs extra. Breezy and TNT search for clues in a mysterious murder! Breezy: I know we saw a body here, TNT. But where did it go? TNT: Wait, do you hear that?
Phred Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Funny and mysterious.