And that’s how the rumour started about how much trouble the town was in. The Pancake lady told everyone that the Sherriff was too worried to eat pancakes. By nightfall 3/4 of the townsfolk had fled Starlight fearing that the Apocalypse had arrived. The other 1/4 were waiting to witness the Sherriff’s failure so they could laugh at and mock the former hero. Of course 100% of the townsfolk were wrong. Sometimes pancakes were not the most important meals of the day.
Brian Premium Member over 2 years ago
“And another small stack. And a large stack. Make a sandwich with them.”
allen@home over 2 years ago
Also with plenty of butter and syrup.
theincrediblebulk over 2 years ago
And that’s how the rumour started about how much trouble the town was in. The Pancake lady told everyone that the Sherriff was too worried to eat pancakes. By nightfall 3/4 of the townsfolk had fled Starlight fearing that the Apocalypse had arrived. The other 1/4 were waiting to witness the Sherriff’s failure so they could laugh at and mock the former hero. Of course 100% of the townsfolk were wrong. Sometimes pancakes were not the most important meals of the day.
oakie817 over 2 years ago
Knightman Premium Member over 2 years ago
Just a wee bit and Rip must go!!!
Chithing Premium Member over 2 years ago
If Rip’s worried enough to be off his feed, then things really are serious.
FassEddie over 2 years ago
Maybe just roll ‘em up and pipe in some filling!
tad1 over 2 years ago
tad1 over 2 years ago
Just a small stack? Are you sure, Rip? Well, anyway, don’t forget the syrup.
ramonmister28 over 2 years ago
Why are RJ, Cobra, Breezy, and (possibly) Fireball becoming wusses all of a sudden?