I don't think God is a diving clockmaker. Why not? It clockmaker is an engineer. A geek. Can you imagine what revelations would have been like if a geek wrote it? Kings and Priests Chap.j. Firft and laft. The Revelation of S. John the Divine SPOILER ALERT
Stephen Gilberg over 9 years ago
God is a geek insofar as he cares about things that nobody else cares about. Nobody among humans, anyway.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 9 years ago
A boot is not a foot.I actually heard Doctor Who say that.Do I watch too much television?
Ida No over 9 years ago
There’s a misconception here. Perhaps a Divine Misconception. Not all geeks are engineers. If an engineer wrote Revelations, there would have been more flowcharts.
emptc12 over 9 years ago
God is The Prime Accountant. The Universe is a Spreadsheet with an infinite number of cells, and HE/SHE/IT is at the middle [yes, I know]. Some of it was filled through programs outsourced to defective angels (demi-gods and demons). Indians, through their religions and traditional society, understand this better than most most cultures, and have been given the Terrestrial Contract to get out the bugs. I, uh, read this somewhere, and will supply the link later.